For Immediate Release:
Moms See Extra Benefit After C-Section
The Sienna C-section Recovery Garment from Body After Baby greatly improves the healing process after a C-section and helps keep mom comfortable throughout recovery. A far superior design when compared to the traditional abdominal binder provided by hospitals nationwide, or a fashionable belly-band, the Sienna reduces pain and swelling, stabilizes the incision site, and supports the abs and lower back. Made from lightweight and breathable materials that offer moderate compression in the targeted areas through seamless support panels. “Our product took years of research and study to develop. This is about making a mom’s recovery better, easier and most importantly – more comfortable,” says Don Francisco, President and Co-Founder of Body After Baby.
But don’t take his word for it alone, the experience of new mom’s from all over and ObGyn’s ringing endorsements, like new mom Evelyn from Vancouver, BC who said “It helped me with getting back to my everyday activities and ease the pain from the c- section. I went to dance classes wearing this garment and it gave my abdominals good support while dancing and exercising. I'd recommend this to other mothers.” Or Mary O’Toole, MD from Orange Coast Women’s Medical Group, Laguna Hills, CA, who says, “All our C-section patients have a need for proper support during the post-pregnancy recovery period and particularly with C-section deliveries. I recommend all my patients undergoing a C-section to use the Sienna C-section Recovery Garment by Body After Baby. My patients and all of our doctors here at OCWMG love this product and company.”
If you’re attending this year’s ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas, NV please stop by and visit us in Booth #219 in the Maternity Square area from September 7-10th. Come see our products and learn more about our support wear products beyond the typical belly band.
About Body After Baby:
Body After Baby was created out of a common need all mothers have shared, proper support for their bodies during and after pregnancy. Our family and friends were having babies but were left searching for the proper type of support they needed and deserved. From abdominal binders to belly-bands and shapewear, whether they were too bulky, uncomfortable, or just plain didn’t do the job - products in the current marketplace were not meeting the needs of new and expecting mothers, until now.
For more information, please visit http://www.mybodyafterbaby.com