Rapid weight loss, such as after pregnancy and post bariatric surgery have an unfortunate commonality: saggy skin. But as with many things in life, what may appear to be a problem, can actually be an opportunity. First, it is important to understand what causes the dreaded sag. Essentially, after a big weight loss – whether from pregnancy, natural means or via surgery – the underlying structures (e.g. muscle) have not kept up with the weight loss, resulting in draping, loose skin. Even with continued diet and exercise, areas prone to saggy skin such the sides, inner thighs, and upper back may not naturally return to a desired state. As you can imagine, this is a big problem for many women. But now for the opportunity.
During the months following childbirth or rapid weight loss, women can use compression and recovery garments to help jump start the process of attaining her body goals and tighten, mold and shape loose skin; and for postpartum moms, take advantage of the hormones like relaxin to help shrink her body down.
For both post-surgical and postpartum women, compression helps reduce fluid retention and swelling – both of which contribute to that stretched out skin. And for postpartum moms, the uterus will naturally return to its original size, but compression can help facilitate that process. Using a proper diet and exercise to lose the weight, coupled with compression to help tighten up loose and saggy skin, women can be well on their way to reaching their body goals. As a Body After Baby mom Karla of Paramount, California puts it, “I am currently working out and eating healthy to achieve my weight loss goals and Body After Baby is a big part of my journey. I actually wear my Body After Baby garment to work out because I feel like it's helping my body mold as well!”