Once upon a time...
There was a young woman with a nice set of abs. Not great ones, but they were hers and she didn’t look too shabby if she wore a 2-piece bathing suit (if she said so herself.)
Then one day, she was overjoyed to learn she was finally pregnant. Little did anyone tell her that you couldn’t really eat whatever you want during pregnancy, as she soon learned at doctor check-ups when it came time to get on the scale. But nothing to worry about she thought, “It will all come off in due time after the baby arrives”.
As life would have it some things do come in due time and the baby arrived healthy and right on schedule. The beautiful baby completed the new little family and life went about with the intensive caring and feeding that a baby requires, leaving little time for the new mama to take care of herself. About 3 months after the baby arrived, the now somewhat experience mom, finally had a chance to breathe and take a good look in the mirror. What she realized was that the weight that was to come off in “due time” was not. And while she was very close to getting into the pre-pregnancy clothes she loved. She wasn’t quite there.
Breastfeeding and diet was definitely helping, just not as fast as she wanted. So, she set to the internet to find some post-pregnancy shapewear to help keep things “tucked-in” in the meantime. Through her search she found, post pregnancy shapewear, post pregnancy body shapers, compression garments, post pregnancy recovering garments or all brands and prices. There were so many to choose from. She wanted something that would let her skin “breathe” on the warmer days and keep a nice shape, even after being laundered over and over.
Finally she stumbled upon Body After Baby, she loved that she was able to return items if they were the wrong size, that she could talk over her questions with the actual owner of the company and that the items were designed to help both the healing process of a post-baby body as well as help her get her body shape back through medical grade compression garment technology.
She immediately decided to order the Leilani Body Shaper and was overjoyed. She could finally get into her “skinny jeans”.
Happy Ending:
She did get that pre-baby body back with continued diet, exercise and determination (and a little help from the Leilani Body Shaper)
Happier Ending:
About a year after she reached her goal, she found out that she was going to get to be a mom to another wonderful little being. And she headed back to Body After Baby to order the Motherload maternity support band.